The Philolsopher
Hello! My name is Quinn. I studied philosophy at Ohio University in Athens, well, Ohio. It's one of the most rewarding things I've done with my life, and I like sharing it with others. Addressing the elephant hiding in plain sight, I'm one of those they/thems. He/him is also ok, but you ought to know, I figured.
I've recently taken an interest in Linux for myriad reasons and have been trying my best to figure it out, particularly in terms of using it to play games off of Steam and any other places. On top of that, I'm in the process of figuring out if I can volunteer at a local library to talk about philosophical ideas with children, perhaps preteens.
I guess it's safe to say I've taken an interest in web design as well. It is my hope that this will be a good reference for myself should I need to start from scratch once more to get where I am now with my Linux setup, and it sounded fun to keep online track of what I get out of talking philosophy with kids. It would be an added bonus if people stumbled across my site and found it useful.
Nice to meet you! Hope you enjoy your stay.